Joint Learning Questions

Doing the same basic things in different contexts presents a rich opportunity to learn from each other. The participating organizations agreed that we would try and structure some of the learning around common sets of learning questions. These questions pertain to various activities and stages of the research. For each set of learning questions that fall under the “Joint learning questions” tab headings, we hope that each organization will have as many sets of answers to these questions as they have individual farmer groups/clusters participating in the research. So, for example, if RECODA has 20 different clusters of farmers that are involved in the experiment, they’d have a separate set of answers for each of the 20 farmer clusters.

For each cluster, please write down what farmers say in response to the questions and record the group’s name, location, county and country as part of the record/your write up. If possible, capture the information from the session immediately after the session or, preferably, have a colleague (extension or lead farmer) take notes simultaneously as you are facilitating to ensure you capture the richness of the discussions.

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