Learning objectives for the collaborative effort include the following:
Farmers’ knowledge and practices
- Inventory local beliefs/knowledge about the causes of soil fertility decline and remedies for restoring degraded soil.
- Explore local beliefs/knowledge about which crops and which management practices are suited to which soils and why.
- Inventory farmers’ ideas about practices with the potential for enhancing soil carbon content.
- Assess participating farmers’ baseline management practices and soil health test results.
- Analyze interventions chosen by farmers for testing on their own farms, assessing possible influence of location, gender, and baseline soil test results.
Workshop effectiveness
- Evaluate farmers’ and facilitators’ opinions of workshop content, structure, and activities.
- Modify workshop content, structure, and activities to enhance learning.
Development outcomes and effectiveness of approach
We will assess
- Whether the interventions result in visible and/or measurable improvements to crop and soil performance.
- Whether our approach improves development outcomes over the short and longer term.
- How the approach influences the ways farmers adapt practices or develop new ones.
- Whether the social nature of the learning influences individual and collective action and deeper learning among those involved.
- Whether having a nucleus of research farmers within a community leads to wider spread of related knowledge and practices to others within their community.
- The costs and benefits of various strategies for promoting farmer-to-farmer learning (e.g., cluster meetings, virtual sharing, farmer exchange visits, workshops, etc.).